Alcorn & Associates - Forensic Engineers 303-797-1554  


The Company

When a vehicular accident requires an investigation, reconstruction, detailed reports and expert testimony at trial, you want a firm that is experienced, licensed, accredited and nationally recognized as foremost experts in the field.

You want Alcorn and Associates, Forensic Engineers.

Our team has close to 50 years of combined experience. We have handled over 6300 cases involving cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, bicycles, scooters and pedestrians. For high profile accidents, often involving multiple vehicles, injuries, fatalities and resulting litigation, many of the country’s largest and most respected insurance companies and law firms engage Alcorn & Associates.

Accident Investigation and Reconstruction – IT'S ALL WE DO!




 PO Box 730 | Littleton, Colorado 80160 | P 303-797-1554 |